10 Things You Probably Don’t Know About Dental Health

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Most of us don’t spend time thinking about dental needs unless we happen to have problems, and then it is all we can think about. If you need to brush up on your oral health, UltiUber Life offers some great tips below. 

Your Overall Health Is Impacted by Your Dental Health

It may not seem as though your mouth would have much impact on the rest of your body, but there is a surprising link between oral health and full-body wellness.

1. Exercise and Good Nutrition Impact Your Mouth Health

Exercising regularly and eating healthy foods reduces the chance that you will develop gum disease and cavities. Studies have shown a correlation between poorly controlled type 2 diabetes and periodontal disease. A healthy diet and exercise can help fend off both issues.

2. Overbite Can Be More Than Just a Cosmetic Issue

A mild or moderate overbite can cause minimal issues outside of appearance. More severe overbites can cause jaw pain, speaking issues, and discomfort when eating. Overbites can also lead to tooth loss, particularly if lower teeth continuously grind into the structure of the upper teeth and cause premature wear. A severe overbite can require oral surgery, but for less severe cases, at-home teeth aligners like Byte can provide solutions at a fraction of the cost of other options. However, make sure you review your options with an orthodontist.

Your Teeth are Designed to Last (with Proper Care)

dental health

A happy mouth is well maintained. If you provide your teeth, tongue, and gums with proper care with thorough twice-daily brushing, flossing, and rinsing, you are more likely to have a mouthful of teeth that serve you well throughout your lifetime.

3. The Enamel (Outermost Layer) of Your Teeth is the Hardest Part of Your Body

Though it may seem “hard” to believe, it’s true! Enamel is the hardest part of your body, even harder than bone. This tough layer helps prevent breakage and makes your teeth last longer.

4. The Human Mouth Creates 30 ML of Saliva Each Hour

That amounts to approximately one quart of spittle per day! Keep in mind, adequate saliva is important for chewing, proper digestion, and balancing out the acidity in your mouth, which in turn protects your enamel.

5. Your Teeth Were Predestined from Day One

Your first round of teeth was already under the surface of your gums before birth. Your adult teeth were growing behind them throughout your childhood.

What You Eat and Drink Matters for Dental Health

The foods you consume impact your oral health as well as your entire body. Certain foods damage enamel and cause more rapid decay, such as sugar and sweets. Acidic foods are also detrimental to your teeth, so brush carefully.

6. Cheese Can Protect Your Teeth and Ketchup Can Stain Them

Cheese surrounds your teeth in a protective barrier that neutralizes tooth-damaging acid. Red wine, ketchup, and balsamic dressing can leave teeth stained, so use in moderation.

7. Brushing Too Soon After Eating Can Damage Enamel

Certain foods temporarily impact the density of enamel, so avoid brushing your teeth for an hour after eating to avoid damaging your enamel layer.

8. Leafy Salads and Steamed Veggies Can Protect Your Teeth

Consuming a salad or steamed vegetable prior to your main meal forms a protective barrier on your teeth, which can reduce the potential damage of other foods.

Preventive Dental Care Can Save You Pain and Money

Preventive dental care saves your oral health and spares you from excessive bills and procedures. When people avoid routine dental care, it costs more in the long run between financial expenses and physical discomfort.

9. You Should Have Your Teeth Cleaned Twice Per Year

Routine dental cleanings twice per year can prevent long-term damage from plaque build-up and tooth decay.

10. ER Visits Due to Dental Problems Cost More

When people avoid going to the dentist for routine check-ups and end up in the ER with dental pain, it costs an average of 10 times more than a dental visit.

Dental health is a critical component of overall wellness, so make it a priority to care for your oral health through regular dental visits and routine hygiene, brushing, and flossing at least twice per day.

Emma Grace Brown

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