4 Things That Get Better the More You Use Them

4 Things That Get Better the More You Use Them

They say that practice makes perfect, and in the world of everyday items, wear and tear can lead to something beautiful. Here are four things that get better the more you use them.

Leather Items

A tried-and-true bromance exists between a man and his boots; the more you wear ‘em, the better they mold to your feet.

And let’s be real—nothing beats that worn-in leather look. The same is true for leather jackets.

A brand-new baseball mitt is stiff, smells like a leather shop, and catches like a brick wall. But with time, a little elbow grease, and some lanolin or saddle soap, that initial awkwardness turns into a perfect fit.

Much like their baseball counterpart, saddles need some serious breaking in. A well-used saddle smells like adventure and wears a patina of memories that tell a thousand stories.

Whether you own leather in the form of a baseball mitt, a saddle, or a fine jacket, proper care will make it last longer. If you know a few tips to make your jackets last longer, you know how to keep your leather items pristine.

Cast Iron Frying Pans, Toasters, and Air Fryers

It isn’t a man cave without some cooking tools. Let’s raise a spatula to cast iron frying pans, toasters, and air fryers—those beloved kitchen appliances that make taste buds sing and hearts full.

Your grandma’s cast iron pan has seen more than a few Sunday brunches. With proper care and use, cast iron frying pans develop a non-stick surface that can rival even the fanciest Teflon.

Appliances with heating elements, such as toasters and air fryers, need a “burn in” time to remove industrial finishes that can give off stinky, burning-plastic smells. Don’t wreck your toast in a machine that you haven’t broken in yet.

Engines and Air Compressors

If you’ve earned your gearhead credentials fixing up old cars, you know that engines and other moving automotive parts need breaking in to distribute lubricants and get the fluids flowing. Carpenters, roofers, and upholsterers also have to break in their new air compressors to provide a powerful punch.


You’ve had that trusty old guitar that’s been with you through thick and thin. These gems sound more soulful over time.

Did you ever wonder why vintage guitars fetch such high prices? Their well-worn, well-played sound is something that comes with years of strumming and jamming.

Some of the best-loved things in your closet, garage, or basement are the way they are because they got better the more you used them. Shiny and new is nice, but sometimes, broken-in is better.