Tips on Preparing Your Lawn Tools for Spring

Tips on Preparing Your Lawn Tools for Spring

Spring is the time when many men take stock of their lawn tools. It’s also the perfect time to review tips on preparing your lawn tools for spring.

Clean and Disinfect Shears, Loppers, and Trimmers

Grime and disease can lurk among your garden tools. Cleaning and disinfecting shears, loppers, and trimmers should be a priority.

After you wipe off any dirt or plant debris, soak your tools in a solution of bleach and water to kill any bacteria or fungi. Dry them thoroughly and apply a little vegetable oil to help prevent rust.

Plant Pots Need Cleaning, Too

If you’re reusing plant pots to start seeds or transplant seedlings, be sure to clean and disinfect them too. Use the same materials and methods as with cleaning your tools, but leave off the vegetable oil.

Change Oil and Filters in Mowers

Pre-season mower maintenance is a must. At a minimum, this step will include changing the oil and replacing filters.

Sharpen Cutting Tools

As part of your pre-season mower maintenance, have a professional sharpen the blades. And after you clean, disinfect, and thoroughly dry your chainsaw chain, sharpen its teeth as well.

Don’t stop there, though: shears, loppers, tree trimming poles, and other essential yard tools may also need sharpening. Sharp tools make spring clean-up easier and more efficient.

Check Your Rakes and Renew Your Weed Whacker’s Spool

During the course of winter, you might forget about the rake that lost one of its teeth when you accidentally raked up a rock last year. Once spring rolls around, check your rakes’ condition and take advantage of early spring sales to replace this tool if necessary.

Is your weed whacker low on line? Resupply yourself with replacement spools so that you won’t have to run to the hardware store when you’re in the middle of tidying up along your front walk.

Repair Your Leaky Shed or Garage

You may have ignored links during the winter because the water simply froze. But the leaks in your backyard tool shed or garage roof will reappear when temperatures rise.

Repair your leaky shed or garage so that you can keep your lawn tools dry. Ensure that your shed or garage’s structure is sound and ready to protect your tools from spring showers.

Investing time in spring to prepare your lawn tools will pay off during the lawn and garden season. Make sure you are well prepared for any spring landscaping challenges that come your way.

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