How Shaving Your Beard Affects Skin Health

A man grimacing as he pulls the skin of his neck taut to shave a patch of beard on red, irritated skin.

If you grow facial hair, you probably shave it to some capacity. Whether to maintain a completely clean-shaven look or to tidy up the edges of your beard, a razor has probably met your facial hair.

However, many men use shaving supplies or techniques that aren’t good for their skin. Sure, the hair is gone, but at what cost?

Here’s how shaving your beard affects skin health and how you can avoid these common concerns.

Shaving Can Irritate Your Skin

Shaving isn’t always easy—you probably run into rough patches of reticent beard hairs that catch and tug as you attempt to remove them. This isn’t just frustrating for you; your skin hates it too!

Shaving can irritate your skin, especially if you’re not using the right tools or techniques. You might end up with redness, bumps, itchiness, and an angry complexion that makes you look like you accidentally volunteered for a slap fight.

Shaving Can Cause Ingrown Hairs

Ingrown hairs are one of the most uncomfortable and unfortunate consequences of shaving, especially with improper technique.

What happens is the razor removes the visible part of a hair but not its root. Then, the newly sharpened end of the cut hair might curl backward and enter your skin as it regrows.

Sounds nasty, right? Though not actually that gross, ingrown hairs are super uncomfortable and a tad unsightly.

Shaving Can Make Your Skin Dry

Shaving is supposed to make your skin baby-soft and smooth, not dry! Unfortunately, the latter is a frequent consequence of shaving.

The process can strip away natural oils, leaving your skin feeling drier than a desert in summer.

How To Prevent Shaving From Harming Your Skin

Don’t let these skin problems scare you away from shaving. If you’re experiencing any of these issues or are worried you might, the right tools and techniques can set you on the right path to pain-free, glowing skin.

First off, invest in high-quality shaving creams and tools. Do yourself a favor and learn all about shaving soaps; they work better than shaving creams to keep your skin hydrated and happy.

Additionally, always shave in the direction of hair growth. This will help prevent ingrown hairs and make the process more comfortable.

Lastly, never skip aftershave! Treat your skin like royalty, and it’ll thank you later.

Even though shaving your beard negatively affects your skin health in many ways, you’re not helpless against the consequences. Invest in quality shaving supplies, use proper techniques, and be patient—doing so will help you look and feel great, no matter how you like to groom.