Why Young People Make Better Social Media Managers

A man in a chambray dress shirt holding a black phone and tapping it as emoji icons fly outward from the screen.

Your business needs social media marketing to truly thrive—that’s just the reality of the 21st century. Odds are, however, that you don’t have the time to commit to the task yourself.

After all, it’s a full-time job creating content and maintaining an online presence! That’s why most businesses hire someone to take care of this marketing branch.

But who is the best fit for the role? It might help to think along generational lines.

Here’s why young people make better social media managers.

They Grew Up With Social Media

Young professionals in their twenties likely grew up using platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter. As a result, they developed an innate understanding of how these channels operate.

This familiarity gives them a significant edge in managing social media for businesses. They intuitively understand the dynamics of online engagement and the expectations of different audiences.

Their personal experiences allow them to create authentic, relatable content that resonates with followers, driving meaningful interactions.

They’re More Connected To Customers Who Use Social Media

The customers you’re trying to reach through social media represent, on the whole, a younger demographic. What better person to put in charge of connecting with this demographic than someone in it?

Young social media managers possess unique insights into the habits and preferences of their peers, who are major consumers of online content. They also use language, syntax, and imagery that resonates with their peers, sometimes even unconsciously.

If you had a 20-year-old and a 50-year-old create an Instagram post for a new product, odds are that social media audiences would respond better to the former, and not for lack of skill in the latter’s. There is simply an advantage to being able to “speak the same language” as a social media audience.

They Understand What’s Trendy

Keeping up with trends is vital for effective social media management, and no group does this better than young people. Their finger is always on the pulse of what’s trending—from memes and challenges to trending hashtags and cultural conversations.

This keen awareness enables them to produce timely and relevant content that captures attention. For instance, they know the difference between performance creative and branded creative and can leverage viral moments to create the former and drive engagement.

As consumers increasingly seek brands that feel relevant and current, young people’s ability to navigate the fast-paced digital landscape positions them as invaluable assets.

As you get ready to hire a social media manager, remember why young people make better fits for the role. If you want your business to connect with social media audiences and generate sales this way, you should turn to people who have grown up with and understand the platforms best.