How To Make Smarter Decisions To Avoid a DUI

A blurred man sitting at a pub table holds out his hand to refuse an in-focus pint of beer next to a set of car keys.

Driving after a night of drinking happens far too frequently and puts everyone’s lives on the road in danger. Plus, drivers caught under the influence can accrue serious legal punishments, including jail time.

A DUI conviction is completely preventable, and everyone should do their part to keep themselves and others safe by making smarter decisions. Here are four ways to prevent drinking and driving and avoid getting a DUI.

Understand Your Personal Limits

Everyone processes alcohol differently, so it’s important to understand how much you can handle before you feel impaired. Pay attention to how you feel after different types and amounts of alcohol.

If you start feeling dizzy or disoriented, it’s a clear sign that you should stop drinking. Keep track of how many drinks it takes for you to reach this point, and make a mental note for future reference.

Drink Water and Eat Food

Drinking water and eating food can significantly help in managing your alcohol consumption. Make it a habit to alternate between alcoholic drinks and water throughout the night.

Eating a meal before you start drinking and snacking while you drink can also slow the absorption of alcohol. Foods that are high in protein and fat are particularly effective at this.

Not only will you stay fuller longer, but you’ll also avoid getting too intoxicated too quickly.

Plan Your Night in Advance

Planning ahead can save you a lot of trouble. Before you go out, decide how you’re going to get back home safely.

Discuss your plans with your group to determine if someone will remain sober to give you a ride home or if you can join someone in a taxi or public transportation. You should also discuss whether you can stay the night at the host’s or other friend’s house.

If there seems to be no safe, available way to return home that aligns with your schedule, reconsider if going out to drink is a good idea.

Ride With a Sober Driver

One of the safest ways to avoid a DUI is to designate a sober driver. This person should commit to staying sober for the entire night so that they can ensure everyone gets home safely.

Alternatively, consider using a rideshare app or taxi service to secure a hassle-free and safe way to get home. Their widespread availability ensures you can easily find a ride, regardless of location.

Making smarter decisions to avoid a DUI isn’t just about obeying the law; it’s about keeping yourself and others safe. Driving drunk has long-term consequences that can follow you for the rest of your life. Always use these practices when you go out for drinks to keep your nights fun and safe.