Different Fishing Techniques To Try in Fresh or Salt Water

Different Fishing Techniques To Try in Fresh or Salt Water

There’s more to fishing than just rods and reels. Learn about some different fishing techniques to try in fresh or salt water the next time you head onto water.

Dock Fishing

Dock fishing is probably the most laid-back approach to catching fish. It’s as simple as casting your line from a dock and waiting for the fish to bite.

Unless you’re on a big public pier, dock fishing is as much about enjoying solitude or hanging out with your Dad or Grandpa as it is about fishing. So head on out to the cottage or camp, set up a lawn chair on your own private dock, bait your hook, and ask your elders to offer life advice.

Spearfishing and Bowfishing

Spearfishing and bowfishing are more active and hands-on and, frankly, a little bit more primal. You’re likely to encounter “educated” fish when bowfishing: these are the fish that have learned to evade even the most determined anglers.

With a little practice, you might find spearing a fish or shooting an arrow into one incredibly rewarding. This is especially true if you nab a big one that has evaded many others who have tried and failed to catch it.

Fly Fishing

For anglers who pursue it, fly fishing is as much an art as it is a sport. It takes a lot of practice to cast a line with a “fly” on the end of it and land it in just the right spot to lure fish.

In fact, fly fishing is so captivating that it played a central role in a bestselling novel, A River Runs Through It. Robert Redford directed the film adaptation starring Tom Skerrit and Brad Pitt.

Bottom Fishing

Bottom fishing targets fish that dwell near the seafloor or riverbed. You’ll need heavier tackle for this method, but the potential for a big catch makes it worth the effort.


No, this fishing technique doesn’t involve saying inflammatory things on social media. Trolling involves dragging lures behind a moving boat.

Trolling is an effective way to cover a large area of water. The anticipation of what might bite is part of the fun.

Kayak Fishing

Who says you need a big multi-passenger boat to hang up a “gone fishin’” sign? Kayaking gets you to fishing spots that are inaccessible for larger vessels and grants peace and quiet on the water.

Kite Fishing

Using a kite to deliver bait to the surface of the water inside a reef or near a rocky lee shore was invented by Polynesian anglers. It’s an uncommon, exciting fishing method that can help you hook elusive fish that know where to hide from boats.

Jig Fishing

Jig fishing involves creating a jerky, vertical motion with your lure to attract fish. It’s an active style of fishing that keeps you engaged.

Whether you’re fishing in fresh or salt water, trying different fishing techniques keeps things interesting while you’re waiting for a bite. Each of these methods offers a unique challenge and its own kind of thrill.

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